Initiated, passed and raised in Saint Louis Missouri Lodge #1, RWB Kevin Fuller served his home lodge as Worshipful Master in 2010-11 and continues to be an active contributor. RWB Fuller also frequently serves as a moderator for the Grand Master’s Chance to Advance classes around the state. He has served as the Chairman of the Special Committee on Achievement Awards from 2013-2016, was a member of the Special Committee on Mentoring from 2011-12, and serves as Chairman of the Special Committee on Technology since 2014.
He currently lives in St. Charles with his wife of 15 years, Joy, and two daughters, Hannah (10) and Gretchen (8). As a vocation, RWB Fuller assists corporations and non-profits to design and build cyber security programs to protect customer data, corporate intellectual property and ensure business continuity.
Kevin has already become a huge asset to MoCHIP with his non-profit and technical background, as well as his keen insights and dedication to aid in the protection of Missouri’s children.
Welcome RWB Kevin Fuller!