In February 2004 the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America formally recognized the need to support a methodical generation of identifying items for parents to keep on hand as a safeguard, and then in the event of a missing child, turned over to law enforcement agencies as an aid in recovery and identification. By vote of 54 out of 58 Grand Masters present, a standing committee was formed known as the MASONIC CHIP SUPPORT COMMITTEE (MCSC).Our Mission – to support Freemasons Making a difference in North America utilizing comprehensive MASONIC CHIP, byassisting and encouraging our Masonic Grand Lodges to mobilize volunteer network, equipment, resources and funding necessary to conduct MasoniCHIP EVENTS in our communities.Our Goal – to operate MasoniCHIP at a level that any parent wanting to receive this ‘free comprehensive service” will find it regularly offered, and raise public awareness concerning the risk of abduction or exploitation that our children now face in today’s society by providing an opportunity to educate both children and their parents about Abduction Prevention and other SAFE KIDS TIPS.
In February 2005 the Grand Masters Conference approved the MCSC report to establish National MasoniCHIP Foundation and make application to gain 501(c)(3) tax-exempt declaration from the IRS in order to receive donations and apply for grants to assist in MasoniCHIP SUPPORT. For more information about Comprehensive MasoniCHIP on the national level and the MASONIC CHIP SUPPORT COMMITTEE of the Grand Masters of Masons in America visit: www.masonichip.org
Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America: www.cgmna.org
NCMEC: The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children recognizes “Comprehensive MASONIC CHIP” as one of the most comprehensive Child Recovery and Identification Programs in the nation, providing parents with necessary items to aid law enforcement in recovery, identification of children as well as prosecution of perpetrators. The National Center continues to lend their strong support to programs that are indeed “comprehensive”. They recognize the Freemasons’ dedication to provide the equipment and the volunteer hours necessary to generate completed ID kits for the parents in our communities, realizing that few parents would take the time to compile such detailed information on their own. They also encourage our Masonic Jurisdictions to operate the ‘full comprehensive MASONIC CHIP which necessitates fostering relationships with dental professionals and engaging in the generation of the Toothprint dental impressions, to aid law enforcement. Toothprints aid in identification in cases of fire, plane crashes, earthquakes or terrorist activities.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Chidren: www.missingkids.com
Grand Lodge of Missouri: www.momason.org
Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation email: [email protected]
Missouri MOCHIP program email: [email protected]