No one wants to believe it can happen to them–not my family–not my child. But it can happen to any one of us. Any family, anytime. A MoCHIP supporter reached out to us last week in the wake of our statewide child ID event extravaganza on July 21st and shared her story. Though she gave her permission, we are protecting the family’s identity, however we can say they live in a moderate size town in Missouri. It is precisely why Missouri Freemasons devised the MoCHIP program and support it through volunteering their time and at no cost to Missouri families.
I just wanted to take the time to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for holding this event and ensuring i have everything needed to act fast and accordingly if needed. I appreciate all the volunteers who donated their time to help keep my kids safe. It means the world to me because i do know first hand how serious this can be and how it could happen to even a parent like me. You see 4 years ago while i was in the hospital having my son my oldest daughter was in our local Walmart with her step mom and a man tried to abduct her and grabbed her by her coat and asked her if she wanted to show him the school supply isle. Luckily her step mom intervened and he didn’t take her. She was just far enough from the cart to where that man could grab her easily. Unfortunately her step mom did not report it. Fortunately my daughter is safe. I did not have the kit (MoCHIP ID Packet) like i received today so i would have been powerless and had nothing to go on but a picture and description. So to me this meant a lot to me today that i now have the key in my hand to better protect my children from bad people that do exist. Thank you so much. God bless you and all you do.
Nearly 2,000 children are reported missing or abducted in the United States each day. The peace of mind MoCHIP provides to Missouri families is invaluable. GIRLS and BOYS ages 11-21 are statistically most susceptible to become missing. Once the child is processed through the program, which generally takes only 15 minutes, the parent is armed with a single pre-printed envelope that instructs authorities in the event of an emergency, something a parent in crisis would undoubtedly have trouble with, and a proactive measure to combat the time sensitivity involved in recovery. Within a matter of minutes the MoCHIP CD can be loaded into a computer directly form a police officers automobile and entered into the Amber Alert system.
Take the time to protect your children and get them ID’d. Fifteen minutes now could save their lives later.
For Missouri area events, please go to https://mochip.org/events/