The safe return of Alisa Maier Posted August 20, 2010 by Steve




A celebration was held for the safe return of Alisa Maier onĀ August 13th, 2010 atĀ Fenton Memorial Park and MoCHIP was there!

After the ceremony celebrating the safe return of Alisa Maier who on July 6, 2010 was kidnapped from her yard in Louisiana, Missouri, MoCHIP stepped in to ID children as a proactive measure of insuring their safety–including Alisa Maier, her brother Blake and sister Sierra. It was a very emotionally rewarding day for all the MoCHIP volunteers who realized the miracle for what it was … Alisa was there being ID’d just like any other child, when the circumstances could have easily turned disastrous. It’s safe to say we all had a lump in our throat and warmth in our hearts for this little girl and her loving family.